You can make easily model,controller or migration with small amount of command (Terminal) in Laravel
Create Model Command:
php artisan make:model Post
Create Controller Command:
php artisan make:controller PostController
Create Migration Command:
php artisan make:migration create_posts_table
All of the above commands are a single command to create a model, controller, or migration.
You will use below command to create a controller and migration for your model;
php artisan make:model Post -c -m
Here you can get your controller and migration associate for the model.
You can see a list of options using the help option for each model, controller, and migrations.
php artisan make:model --help
You can generate migration, controller and resource for the model via below command :
php artisan make:model Post --mcr
You can generate all of the required files associate with model then you can run below command :
php artisan make:model Post -a
-a, --a generate a migration, factory, and resource controller for the model
The most popular/basic options for each of the aforementioned commands are displayed separately in the details below.
- -a or — all generate a migration, seeder, factory, and resource controller with the associate model
- -c or — controller Create a new controller with the associate model
- -m or — migration Create a new migration file with the associate model
- -m or — model[=MODEL] Generate a resource controller for the given model.
- -r or — resource Generate a resource controller class.